Study smarter, not harder

Are you ready to start learning more efficiently and wasting less time? Sign up to this free five day course and give your study skills a boost!

  • 1

    Day 1: Get organised

    • Welcome to the course

    • Why are you here?

    • Lesson 1: Planning your week

    • 5 Day study challenge weekly plan

  • 2

    Day 2: Write this down

    • Day 2: Effective note-making

    • Instructions for note-making

  • 3

    Day 3: Memory challenge

    • Lesson 3: Memory challenge

    • Get retrieving!

    • Retrieval practice notes

  • 4

    Day 4: Perfect practice

    • Lesson 4: exam practice

    • Exam practice feedback template

  • 5

    Day 5: Keep the ball rolling

    • Lesson 5: Planning ahead

    • Long term goals

    • Weekly plan template

  • 6

    Day 6 (bonus): Face your Demons

    • Lesson 6 (bonus): Face your demons

    • Today's Challenge Instructions

Pre-enroll now - Starts Monday, 12th April

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds